
Solo and group exhibitions

1985 Photogallery Vienna / Austria
1991 Newbery Gallery, Glasgow / U.K.

Ayr Academy, Ayr / U.K.
1992 Gallery Fotohof, Salzburg
1993 Gallery Pro Arte, Hallein / Austria

Zwerglgarten Pavillion, Salzburg
1994 Rupertinum Photo Award Exhibition in Salzburg and Leibnitz, Styria / Austria

Photogallery Vienna / Austria

Gallery Traklhaus, Salzburg

'1,2,3 ... 50' exhibition in the former Casino, Salzburg

Gallery Raum 1/9 Vienna / Austria

150th Anniversery of the Salzburg Art Association "20 Vitrinen"
1995 "Goldegger Dialoge" Castle of Goldegg / Austria

Castle of Wolkersdorf / Austria

Gallery La Mente e I'Immagine, Rome / Italy

Schwarzenberg‘sche Meierei, Schrattenberg / Austria
1996 Gallery Fotoforum West, Innsbruck / Austria
Gallery Eboran, Salzburg

Photogallery Vienna / Austria

House for Contemporary Literature , Salzburg

"steirischer herbst" Styrian Autumn Art Festival

Museum of Perception in the Octagon, Graz / Austria

Salzburg Art Association, Annual Exhibition
1997 Artist‘s Symposium "Ilimite" with exhibition in the Balladio, Lucca / Italy

Gallery Mölkersteig,Vienna / Austria

"Die ganze Stadt", Architektur ist überall, a project on photography and architecture, Salzburg
1998 "basistage", Salzburg

Retzhof, Leibnitz, Styria / Austria

Chamber of Architects and Engineering Consultants for Upper Austria and Salzburg

Gallery Eboran (International Women Artists Group: C. Brown, K. Kristalova, M. Rothera)
1999 ACI Gallery, London / U.K.

Streetlevel Photoworks Gallery, Glasgow / U.K.

Artists Symposium "Osmosi", with exhibition Thalgau / Austria

Museum of the city of Bochum / Germany

Gasworks Gallery, London / U.K. participation at a performative project by the London based artists group Foreign Investment

Participation at the 5th Triennale of International Photography in Tampere / Finland
2000 IK Vienna (Italian-Austrian Artists Group Osmosi)

Messenzio Arte, Rome / Italy

New Walk Museum, Leicester / U.K.(Brown, Kristalova, Rothera)

Waterfestival Vienna

Gallery T 19, Vienna, Mondsee Land Art (Videowork)

Gallery Klingental, Basel Artfair / Switzerland (Performance with FI)

"Land Art usw." Kunstraum Innsbruck (Videowork)

Gallery Kunsthalle.tmpSteyr / Austria

transart festival; Art Centre Lamparna, Labin, (Osmosi) / Croatia

London Institute, London / U.K. (Performace, exhibitione with FI)
2001 Int. Art and Science Exhibition; Schloß Goldegg, Salzburg and Rome / Italy

festival of the regions, Upper Austria, conception: G. Moser-Wagner

DigitalArt Gallery Frankfurt

Galeria V-Idea, Genoa / Italy

The Nunnery, Bow, London / U.K., (Brown,Kristalova,Rothera=FLASCH)
2002 Gallery im Traklhaus, Salzburg und Kunsthaus beim Engel, Luxemburg

Gallery Pernkopf, Berlin / Germany

Kunstraum Höribachhof Mondsee / Austria
2003 "Self and others", Collection of Rupertinum,

Museum of Contemporary Art, Salzbug / Austria

Fotogallery Vienna, Vienna / Austria
2004 Gallery Traklhaus, Salzburg

NA/NT - O'Artoteca, Milano, I

A9 Forum Transeuropa, Vienna, A

Embasada de Mexico, Vienna, A (Soloshow)

ID:I Gallery, Stockholm, S (with Flasch)
2005 Praterstraße 10/Wien, “Finaltaste“ concept: Gertrude Moser- Wagner

Fonca Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico, (Soloshow)

Kunstraum Höribachhof Mondsee, A, with Saul Villa

Gallery Traklhaus, Salzburg, Salzburg-Symposuim with handicaped artists

and others.